
Life Cycle Assessment
(Life Cycle Assessment - LCA)
LCA is an environmental impact calculation method that takes into account all kinds of inputs (raw materials, energy) and all kinds of outputs (products, by-products, waste) used throughout the life cycle of a product or service, according to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards. Our team, which has carried out LCA studies for many sectors, especially energy and food, is ready to support you on LCA through the best software in its field.

Product Carbon Footprint
The carbon footprint, which has become especially important with the European Union Green Deal coming into our lives officially in 2023, and will actually be in effect starting from 2026, is a parameter used to determine the greenhouse gas emissions during the production of a product. Our team, which has a wide experience in carbon footprint calculations, is ready to offer you the product carbon footprint calculation service at the level of scope 1, scope 2 or scope 3, using software that complies with international standards.

Corporate Carbon Footprint
Our company provides integrated corporate carbon footprint reporting, not only for your products, but also for your organization's logistics and administrative activities. Our team, which has a wide experience in carbon footprint calculations, is ready to offer you the corporate carbon footprint calculation service at the level of scope 1, scope 2 or scope 3, using software that complies with international standards.

Environmental Product Declaration
“Environmental Product Declaration”, or EPD for short, is a document that has been verified and registered by independent authorities that enables the environmental impacts of products to be shared in a transparent and comparable way throughout their life cycle. Our company examines your operations on-site and prepares the EPD report, which should be prepared according to ISO 14025 standard, using the most comprehensive life cycle assessment software in its field and forwards it to the relevant companies for verification.

Product Water Footprint
Water footprint is a very important environmental sustainability parameter used to determine the total water consumption during the production of a product. Our company not only calculates the water footprint of your products or services, but also reports the green-blue-gray water distribution of this water footprint, giving you an idea of what preventive and remedial actions should be taken at which points.

Carbon Disclosure Project
This project, also known as the "Carbon Disclosure Project" or CDP for short, is an international organization established to collect transparent and public information about the greenhouse gas emissions of institutions and to share the results of this information. Our company is also ready to support your organization in reporting your greenhouse gas emissions within the rules of this organization, thus both highlighting your corporate awareness and setting an example for other companies in your sector.

Life Cycle Assessment Training
Our company is ready to provide training on life cycle assessment, measurement of environmental sustainability parameters, especially carbon and water footprint, Green Agreement and carbon footprint legislation, whether online or face-to-face.

Product Environmental Footprint
If you want to perform a detailed environmental impact analysis of your products or services, our company is ready to support you in calculating the environmental impacts on the atmosphere, soil and water, whether on a product or institution basis, using the best software in the field.

Sustainability Index Service
Corporate sustainability is built on three key elements: environmental, societal and governance, or ESG for short. The concept of ESG enables organizations to evaluate their environmental, social and managerial performances in a transparent and comprehensive way as well as their financial performance. Our company is ready to serve you so that your institutions can get enough points from the Refinitiv ESG evaluation system, which is the determining index in this field, for the ESG audit carried out by the Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index (BIST Sustainability - XUSRD) in Turkey and to develop suggestions for improving your deficiencies.

Process Development Projects
One of the most fundamental elements that distinguishes our company from its peers is that it not only determines environmental sustainability parameters and provides reporting services, but also prepares a roadmap for you by examining the activities aimed at reducing these environmental impacts with their economic and environmental dimensions. If you wish, your company is ready to examine the activities of your institution on site and offer you special solutions.

Corporate Sustainability Report Preparation
Corporate sustainability reports are prepared to transparently share a company's performance in the three pillars of sustainability - economic, social and environmental sustainability - with the public and company stakeholders. In this reporting exercise, companies address sustainability-related issues, risks and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses, and the potential of themselves and their stakeholders. The contents of sustainability reports are prepared by taking into account many factors such as the sector in which the company operates, product qualities, and company size. As CANSET Inc., we provide our clients with corporate sustainability report preparation services in Turkish and English.